ASC Centers

The ASC offers numerous subject specific labs. You can find guidance for this on our ASC page. You can find guidance for this on our ASC page.

Math Supplemental Instruction (WLC 250)

Math Supplemental Instruction lab (MSI) is designed specifically for the needs of academic foundations math students and offers group support in study skills, note-taking, time management, organization, and academic strategies aligned with specific classes. The MSI incorporates a wide variety of manipulatives and on-line resources designed to enhance student success at the academic foundations level. Hours are adjusted to match the course schedules for each semester. Please email for more information.

Accounting/Business Lab (SPR 133)

The Accounting and Business Lab (AccL), available to accounting and business students, is staffed by capable staff and accounting/business students working closely with the accounting faculty. Please email for more information.

Writing Center (WLC 220)

Writing Center Website

The Writing Center offers individual assistance in the writing process to curriculum students of all programs and is a resource for students working on assignments involving writing. It provides tutoring and “troubleshooting” in grammar rules, language usage, and writing style for written coursework such as essays and research papers. Hours of operation are adjusted to match the course schedules for each semester. Please email for more information.
